First successful meeting of the Sector Skills Alliance for Fitness and Physical Activity organized by EuropeActive
The first meeting of the Sector Skills Alliance for Fitness and Physical Activity took place on October 27th. The new body consists of a wide range of stakeholders, organizations and strategic partners from across the fitness and physical activity sector. The aim of the committee is to identify sector-specific labor market needs and to support the fitness and sports sectors in coping with their most pressing challenges.
This first meeting was a unique opportunity to bring together key representatives from independent fitness professionals and employers’ organizations, members of the education and training systems and other key stakeholders to improve cooperation and coordination at European level for the benefit of the sector.
A mix of breakout sessions and informative presentations by several participants stimulated a fruitful exchange of trends around the topic of the qualification of workers. The results of the meeting will contribute significantly to the qualification strategy of EuropeActive in order to ensure the continuous development and professionalization of the workforce in the European fitness and exercise sector.